Threat Database Ransomware Rajah Ransomware

Rajah Ransomware

The threatening Rajah Ransomware, created by cybercriminals, has been designed to encrypt data and extort victims for payment. Upon infecting a system, the Rajah Ransomware proceeds to encrypt numerous file types. Each locked file will have the '.rajah' extension appended to their names, along with a unique ID assigned to each victim and the email address of the attackers, such as '' As an example, a file originally named '1.pdf' would appear as '1.pdf.[2AF30FA3].[].rajah' after encryption. Additionally, the Rajah Ransomware generates a ransom note named '+README-WARNING+.txt' to notify the victims of the attack. This particular ransomware threat belongs to the Makop ransomware family.

Victims of the Rajan Ransomware will Lose Access to Their Data

The Rajan Ransomware's message demanding a ransom explicitly states that the victim's files have undergone encryption, emphasizing that only the attackers possess the means to restore the compromised data. The note cautions against attempting to use anti-malware software or third-party recovery tools, as such actions would render the files permanently undecryptable, resulting in irreversible data loss. To recover access to the encrypted files, the victim is instructed to make a ransom payment in Bitcoin cryptocurrency, although the exact amount is unspecified.

The decryption of the files is typically impossible without the intervention of the cybercriminals themselves. However, even if the ransom demands are met, victims often do not get the promised decryption keys or software. Therefore, it is strongly advised against complying with the ransom demands, as there is no guarantee of successful data recovery, and paying the ransom only serves to support illegal activities.

Removing the Raja Ransomware from the operating system will prevent any further encryption from taking place. However, it is crucial to understand that removing the ransomware will not restore the files that have already been compromised and encrypted.

Implement Effective Security Measures against Ransomware Threats

To protect data and devices from ransomware attacks, users can follow several important measures:

  • Keep Software Updated: Regularly update all operating systems, software applications, and antivirus/anti-malware programs. Updates often are carriers of security patches that address vulnerabilities exploited by ransomware.
  •  Install Robust Security Software: Use reputable anti-malware software on all devices. Ensure that real-time scanning and automatic updates are enabled for comprehensive protection.
  •  Exercise Caution with Email Attachments and Links: Be wary of suspicious emails, especially those with unexpected attachments or links. Avoid accessing attachments or clicking on links from unknown or untrusted sources.
  •  Practice Safe Internet Browsing: Exercise caution when visiting websites, especially those of questionable nature or known to distribute malicious content. Be wary of pop-ups and avoid downloading files from untrusted sources.
  •  Backup Data Regularly: Implement a robust backup strategy that includes creating frequent backups of important files and storing them in separate locations, such as external hard drives or cloud storage. Offline backups are particularly effective in protecting against ransomware attacks.
  •  Use Strong, Unique Passwords: Create strong passwords and avoid reusing them across multiple accounts. Consider the use of a password manager to store and manage passwords securely.
  •  Be Cautious with Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP): If using RDP, apply strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication (2FA), and restrict access to authorized users only. Regularly review RDP logs for any suspicious activity.
  •  Educate and Train Users: Provide cybersecurity awareness training to all users, emphasizing the risks of ransomware attacks and educating them on safe computing practices, such as avoiding suspicious websites and emails.

By following these practices, users can significantly enhance their defenses against ransomware attacks and reduce the risk of falling victim to such harmful threats.

The ransom note left to the victims of the Rajah Ransomware states the following:

'XXX Your data has been encrypted XXX

To restore your data, write to


1. No one will return your data except us (do not trust third parties)

2. Antivirus and recovery programs will permanently corrupt your data (Even we can't restore it to you!)

3. Payment for the recovery of your data is made in BITCOIN (BTC) !!! BITCOIN ONLY!!!

4. You can buy BITCOIN (BTC) on the website hxxps:// (Pass a simple registration following the instructions on the site and then purchase BITCOIN (BTC)

If you have read the text above and you need your data, it's time to write to us.'


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