Threat Database Rogue Websites

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 1,831
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 323
First Seen: July 7, 2023
Last Seen: September 30, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Infosec researchers have observed utilizing a deceptive tactic to deceive visitors into granting it permission to send notifications. This misleading website employs strategies to trick users into believing that enabling notifications is necessary or beneficial. However, the true intention is to exploit the granted permission to deliver unwanted and potentially harmful notifications.

In addition to its deceptive notification tactic, likely possesses the capability to redirect users to other questionable websites. These redirects could lead individuals to sites with dubious content, scams, or potentially unsafe online environments.

Dealing with Rogue Sites Like Requires Extreme Caution employs a deceptive tactic by presenting visitors with a CAPTCHA prompt that seemingly verifies their human identity by clicking the 'Allow' button. However, this is a misleading technique, as clicking the 'Allow' button actually grants the website permission to display notifications. It is highly recommended that users exercise caution and avoid engaging with such rogue websites that utilize clickbait or similar methods to deceive individuals into enabling notifications.

Notifications originating from may lead users to a variety of websites, including ones hosting malicious content such as malware or engaging in phishing scams. They may also direct users to untrustworthy advertising websites that promote deceptive ads for various PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) or other online scams.

One confirmed redirect caused by leads to a scam website that falsely claims the user's Windows version is outdated and browsing the internet is, therefore, unsafe. Typically, these types of pages are utilized by scammers to lure visitors into actions such as transferring money, providing sensitive information, granting remote access to computers, or even installing malware.

Fake CAPTCHA Checks are Often Exploited by Rogue Sites Like

Differentiating between a fake CAPTCHA check and a legitimate one is crucial for users to protect themselves from potential scams or security risks. Here are some key factors to consider when determining the authenticity of a CAPTCHA check:

  • Design and Visual Quality: Legitimate CAPTCHA checks often exhibit a consistent and well-designed interface. They feature clear and easily recognizable elements, such as distorted characters or image selection tasks. Fake CAPTCHA checks, on the other hand, may have inconsistent design elements, blurry text, or distorted images. Pay attention to the overall visual quality and alignment of the CAPTCHA components.
  •  Relevance of the Challenge: Legitimate CAPTCHA checks present challenges specifically designed to distinguish human users from automated bots. These challenges typically involve identifying distorted characters, selecting specific images, or solving simple puzzles. Fake CAPTCHA checks may introduce irrelevant or nonsensical challenges that do not serve any purpose in verifying human presence. If the challenge appears unrelated to verifying human interaction, it is likely a fake.
  •  Accessibility Options: Legitimate CAPTCHA checks often provide accessibility options to accommodate users with disabilities. These options may include audio aids, visual aids, or alternative methods of completing the challenge. Fake CAPTCHA checks often lack such accessibility features, indicating a potential fraud. If there is no provision for accessibility options, it raises suspicion about the authenticity of the CAPTCHA check.
  •  Context of the CAPTCHA: Legitimate CAPTCHA checks are typically encountered in specific scenarios where user verification is necessary, such as during login processes or when submitting forms. Fake CAPTCHA checks may appear in unexpected or unrelated contexts, such as when accessing simple Web pages or performing basic actions that do not require human verification. If the presence of a CAPTCHA seems unnecessary or out of place, it could indicate a fake.
  •  Requests for Personal Information: Legitimate CAPTCHA checks solely focus on verifying human interaction and do not require users to provide personal information beyond basic identification. Fake CAPTCHA checks may request excessive personal information, such as full names, addresses, phone numbers, or credit card details. Be cautious of any CAPTCHA that asks for unnecessary personal information, as it may be a red flag.
  •  Source and Website Reputation: Legitimate CAPTCHA checks are typically implemented by reputable websites and services. Pay attention to the reputation of the website hosting the CAPTCHA check. If the website is unfamiliar or has a dubious reputation, it raises concerns about the legitimacy of the CAPTCHA check.

By considering these factors collectively, users can differentiate between a fake CAPTCHA check and a legitimate one. It is important to remain vigilant and skeptical, especially when prompted to provide personal information or interact with suspicious CAPTCHA checks. When in doubt, it is advisable to verify the authenticity of the CAPTCHA check through independent research or by contacting the website or service provider directly.

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