
Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 9,831
Threat Level: 10 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 269
First Seen: October 30, 2013
Last Seen: September 15, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

PUP/Win32.WindowsTap is a potentially unwanted program (PUP), which may be installed on a computer system without the PC user knowing about it. PUP/Win32.WindowsTap may also be usually installed legally being incorporated in another software product, often labelled as an 'AD-Supported program', in which the End User License Agreement commonly forces the PC user to accept that, in addition to the application, the PC user is downloading. Elimination of PUP/Win32.WindowsTap may lead to harm of the AD-Supported application, which was installed with PUP/Win32.WindowsTap. When installed, PUP/Win32.WindowsTap may control specific types of information such as the computer user's access to particular websites. PUP/Win32.WindowsTap may deliver and show disturbing pop-up adverts which may encompass a harmful code or sponsored links that reroute computer users to advertising websites made by attackers to possibly make money from the pay-per-click technique and increased website traffic.


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