If you view the website every time you attempt to open a new tab page, you likely have a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) installed on your PC. This does not mean that you should worry about the safety of your data or the security of your system, as PUPs are not unsafe applications.

The site is a basic search engine that is being promoted via PUPs. It is likely that you have installed a shady Web browser extension that has altered the settings of your system. By setting the site as your default new tab page, the dodgy Web browser add-on makes sure to help the affiliated page generate more traffic. Despite the fact that the site (or the PUP affiliated with it) does not pose a threat to your computer or your data, it is advisable not to use this search engine. This is due to the fact that the search engine is likely to display sponsored content as the top results of users' search queries. This means that you will not be presented with the organic results of your queries and thus not receive the most relevant content.

Applications or tools that go behind your back to tamper with your PC's settings are not trustworthy and should be removed from your system. You can remove any PUPs present on your system manually, or you can install a genuine anti-virus application that will rid you of them safely.


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