
By Sumo3000 in Browser Hijackers

PosibilityNow.com is a questionable website which through the use of relevant security threats such as adware and browser hijackers may display disturbing pop-up advertisements and messages on the desktop of the PC when computer users are browsing the Web. The pop-up messages and ads shown on PosibilityNow.com may specify that a computer system was affected by adware or browser hijackers that should be uninstalled with a decent anti-malware application. The main aim of the messages and advertisements of PosibilityNow.com may be to market a variety of unknown or commercial websites. Adware related to PosibilityNow.com may show randomly highlighted words and phrases on all random websites that PC users visit. When the computer user moves a mouse over these words, pop-up advertisements and messages may be displayed. The ads and messages of PosibilityNow.com may include links directing to relevant websites, so if the computer user clicks on them, he may get unwillingly rerouted to these websites and help the authors of these advertisements and messages to make a profit from raised website traffic and clicks on ads.


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