PC Bug Remover Pro

PC Bug Remover Pro is a clone of the rogue anti-spyware program called PC Bug Finder Pro. PC Bug Finder Pro is distributed by Trojans and malicious websites. On successful infiltration of a system, PC Bug Finder Pro will modify system settings and disable task manager, registry editor, command prompt and control panel in order to prevent manual removal. PC Bug Finder Pro may also disable existing security software from an infected PC. PC Bug Finder Pro promotes itself as a legitimate malware removal tool after it displays a number of fake scan reports and security alerts on a victim's PC. If infected, remove PC Bug Finder Pro from your PC immediately after detection.

File System Details

PC Bug Remover Pro may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. %WINDOWS%\System32\COMDLG32.OCX
2. %WINDOWS%\unvise32.exe
3. %WINDOWS%\System32\msvbvm60.dll
4. %Program Files%\PCBugRemoverPro\PCBugRemoverPro.exe
5. %WINDOWS%\System32\mscomctl.ocx
6. %Documents and Settings%\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\PC Bug Remover Pro\PC Bug Remover Pro.lnk
7. %Program Files%\PCBugRemoverPro\uninstal.log
8. %Documents and Settings%\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\PC Bug Remover Pro\Remove PC Bug Remover Prov1.0.lnk
9. %Program Files%\PCBugRemoverPro\
10. %Documents and Settings%\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\PC Bug Remover Pro\
11. %Documents and Settings%\[UserName]\Desktop\PC Bug Remover Pro.lnk

Registry Details

PC Bug Remover Pro may create the following registry entry or registry entries:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Uninstall\PCBugRemoverPro
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\Results
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{1EFB6596-857C-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628}\Implemented Categories


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