
Outtemportm.info is the domain name of an untrustworthy website, which hosts a scam known as 'Please Click Allow to Continue.' This online con is very popular, and it is utilized by countless dodgy pages online.

Once you launch the Outtemportm.info website, you will see a prompt at the top of your screen, which urges you to click on the 'Allow' button. The Outtemportm.info site will claim that this is a security check that needs to be completed by every visitor. However, if you do as instructed and click on the 'Allow' button you are presented with, you will permit the Outtemportm.info website to send you notifications via your Web browser. The Outtemportm.info page will use the permission to bombard you with unwanted ads, which are known to promote untrustworthy content and dodgy products.

It is advisable to ignore the ads spawned by the Outtemportm.info page and revoke all the permissions granted to the site. This can be done via the configurations of your Web browser.


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