
The Ousseventi.info website may have lured you into visiting it by promising you engaging content or helpful information on a topic you are interested in. However, the Ousseventi.info site does not host any of the content it claims to. This is a fake page that aims at hijacking your Web browser notifications by misleading you into providing it with permission.

The dodgy site would claim to grant access to its content only to users who follow the instructions they are provided with. This might tempt users to comply with the Ousseventi.info page's demands. This shady page will ask users to click the 'Allow' button they are displayed with if they want to view the content on the site. This is a low-level online tactic known as 'Click Allow to Continue.' Users who follow the instructions would grant the Ousseventi.info page permission to send them push-notifications via their Web browser. Instead of using this permission mindfully, as legitimate websites do, the Ousseventi.info page will likely begin spamming you with advertisements immediately. The bad news is that even if your Web browser is closed, you will continue to receive advertisements spawned by the Ousseventi.info site. You should avoid clicking on any of the advertisements affiliated with the Ousseventi.info site as they may be promoting low-quality services or products of dubious origin.

To stop the ad-bombardment from the Ousseventi.info site, you should open your Web browser's settings and revoke the permissions given to this page.


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