Threat Database Browser Hijackers Opinion Mart Survey

Opinion Mart Survey

By Sumo3000 in Browser Hijackers

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 13,067
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 894
First Seen: June 21, 2013
Last Seen: August 19, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

ScreenshotOpinion Mart Survey is a browser extension that invades the corrupted PC without a computer users consent and awareness. Opinion Mart Survey shows up on the compromised PC as a pop-up message asking to take a brief survey. The computer user may think it's just an ordinary survey that he/she may be asked to take from time to time. However, Opinion Mart Survey is classified as a potentially unwanted program as it can lead to some irritating actions on the targeted PC. Opinion Mart Survey propagates to vulnerable computers using tricky techniques. Opinion Mart Survey can be embedded into the compromised Internet browser while installing numerous freeware programs from the web. PC users can bypass the Opinion Mart Survey if they pay attention to the installation processes of what they are downloading. Typically, PC users are able to see if Opinion Mart Survey carries any other software products. If the computer user has an option to select what components to download, they should always deselect unfamiliar ones as they can breach the victimized PC user's security and privacy.


Opinion Mart Survey may call the following URLs:


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