Threat Database Adware NextFlix Ads

NextFlix Ads

By GoldSparrow in Adware

Computer users from China, South Korea and other countries where the access to the Internet is censored may be interested in installing the NextFlix program. According to, the NextFlix software allows users from around the globe to gain access to geo-restricted content on the World Wide Web. The NextFlix software is supposed to change the user's DNS setup and port configuration. The NextFlix software may help users open sites that perform geo-IP localization to provide customized functionality and limit accessibility. You should know that the NextFlix application is a re-branded version of TOPFlix that is recognized as Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP). The development of NextFlix is sponsored by advertisers that may use the NextFlix software to deploy marketing materials to your screen directly. Extensions like Adguard and Adblock may not filter the ads by NextFlix and users may have a hard time loading videos on YouTube without having to watch through several commercials in advance.

The NextFlix software may install a plug-in to your browser and change your default search engine, homepage and new tab settings. The NextFlix program may show pop-up windows and full-screen promotions on an hourly basis. The activity of NextFlix is very similar to the one of GetPrivate, and users may be welcomed by NextFlix to provide access to their basket on Amazon and social media profile on Facebook. The NextFlix software is not trusted, and secure experts advise against accessing your online banking account while NextFlix is installed to your PC. The NextFlix software does not handle SSL connections and may trigger security alerts on most browsers. Ironically, users may not load protected content correctly and experience browser crashes when a page is using the HTTPS encryption. You may wish to remove the NextFlix application with the help of a credible anti-spyware tool that can restore your DNS configuration and clean your OS from PUPs.


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