has now joined the extensive list of dubious websites that exploit unsuspecting visitors. This particular website is suspected of employing a variety of deceptive and clickbait tactics to achieve its objectives. Notably, what users encounter on the site may be influenced by various factors, including their unique IP address and geographical location.

In essence, primarily seeks to capitalize on the legitimate push notifications feature to generate financial benefits for its operators. This practice is aimed at coercing users into unknowingly subscribing to push notifications that, once enabled, inundate them with unwanted and potentially deceptive advertisements or content.

The Rogue Site Should be Approached with Caution

The message displayed on attempts to persuade its visitors that they must complete a CAPTCHA verification as a means to confirm their human identity and not be mistaken for robots. However, this assertion contradicts the reality of the situation. Clicking the provided button on the site, rather than confirming human status, actually grants permission for the website to deliver notifications to the user's device. It's essential to understand that notifications originating from dubious sources like cannot be considered reliable or trustworthy.

The notifications received from may include enticing offers, fabricated messages, or false claims, all strategically designed to manipulate users and encourage them to interact with the content. However, these notifications often serve as a gateway to untrustworthy websites, phishing scams, or other malicious activities that pose significant risks to users' privacy and security.

Furthermore, it's worth noting that also may employ redirection tactics, directing visitors to other websites with similar deceptive practices. This perpetuates a cycle of questionable activities that can lead to further security vulnerabilities and privacy concerns. In light of these circumstances, it is strongly recommended to close News-lihado if it inadvertently opens in your browser to reduce potential risks associated with its content and actions.

Take Measures to Stop Intrusive Notifications Delivered by Untrustworthy Sources

To stop rogue websites from delivering intrusive and unwanted push notifications to your devices without going into specific browser settings, follow these general steps:

  • Deny Permissions: When prompted by a website for notification permissions, click 'Deny' or 'Block' instead of 'Allow' or 'Allow Notifications.'
  •  Check Site Permissions: Periodically review your browser's site permissions or settings to revoke notification access for any rogue websites that may have slipped through.
  •  Use Browser Extensions: Consider using browser extensions or add-ons designed to block unwanted notifications and pop-ups.
  •  Regularly Clear Cookies and Cache: Clear your browser's cookies and cache regularly, as rogue websites may use stored data to continue sending notifications.
  •  Install Security Software: Use reputable anti-malware software that includes web protection features to block malicious websites and notifications.
  •  Stay Informed: Be cautious when visiting unfamiliar or suspicious websites, and educate yourself about common online scams and tactics used by rogue websites.
  •  Use Browser's Built-in Security Features: Some browsers have built-in features to block intrusive content, including notifications. Explore your browser's security settings for additional protection.

By following these general steps, you can minimize the risk of rogue websites delivering unwanted push notifications to your devices without delving into specific browser settings.

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