is a misleading website that wants to flood users with unsolicited advertisements and generate monetary gains for its creators in the process. To achieve its agenda,, and all of the myriad of similar sites, leverage various social-engineering techniques to trick any unsuspecting visitor.

All of the websites dedicated to this tactic operate exactly the same. They greet anyone who lands on them with various fake alert or error messages that encourage the visitors to click the 'Allow' button. The only difference is the exact text of the fake messages. In's case, users may find a fake captcha check or a lengthy explanation that if they want to continue doing actions on the website, they have to click Allow. The exact text could be a variation of the following:

  • ' wants to Show notifications.'
  • 'I'm not a robot! Press Allow to verify, that you are not a robot.'
  • 'Click 'Allow' to close this window.' 'This window can be closed by clicking 'Allow'. If you want to continue actions on this site, just click on the detailed information.'

Failure to recognize the red flags will result in numerous unsolicited pop-up advertisements being delivered straight to the affected device screen. The advertisements may lead to suspicious or shady websites for supposed software updates, online games, casinos or explicit illicit content.

It is strongly advised to deal with tactics such as the one used by as soon as you notice them. To do so, open the 'Settings' menu of the browser, scroll down to the 'Permissions' tab, and remove everything that has been granted to


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