
By GoldSparrow in Potentially Unwanted Programs

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 1,736
Threat Level: 10 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 19,336
First Seen: September 19, 2017
Last Seen: September 21, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

NewNoteCenter (by MyWay) is a browser extension considered a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) that may be seen as part of free software bundles found around the Web. Whenever NewNoteCenter is installed, it changes the homepage and search engine settings of your Web browser to Although NewNoteCenter may do nothing more than that seemingly, there could be other things happening 'under the hood,' so to speak. NewNoteCenter could be recording your browsing activity and search queries, and selling the information to third-party advertising companies. In many cases, the software bundles found on the Web contain software that is not listed during their installation so that users may find themselves surprised with a brand new NewNoteCenter on their machine. NewNoteCenter is a product of Mindspark, a marketing company that works with interactive advertising.

Although the extension itself is not unsafe, NewNoteCenter does register itself as a search provider for Google Chrome so that the search queries will go through instead of the Google search engine. NewNoteCenter is detected by various anti-virus programs under the following names:

PUP.WebToolbar.MyWebSearch, Win32:UnwantedSig [PUP], MyWebSearch.J (v), Application.Win32.BrowseFox.nlnbg, W32/MindSpark.MHJA-2086, Application.WebToolbar (A), Win32/Toolbar.MyWebSearch.BA potentially unwanted, Riskware/Agent, not-a-virus:HEUR:WebToolbar.Win32.Agent, PUA.MyWebSearch!8.EC (cloud:GEhn3FZDXiS), PUP.MindSpark/Variant, PUA.Toolbar.Agent!, not-a-virus:HEUR:WebToolbar.Win32.Agent.

NewNoteCenter carries the unique MD5 identifier a8e67b8ae45d8ec0c74d77bb8981aff1. Users are advised to remove NewNoteCenter from their computers as soon as it is spotted so that they can avoid its changes and enjoy their browsing experience.

SpyHunter Detects & Remove NewNoteCenter

Registry Details

NewNoteCenter may create the following registry entry or registry entries:
File name without path
Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStorage\
Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\DOMStorage\
Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\DOMStorage\


NewNoteCenter may create the following directory or directories:



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