New Key Browser Extension

After a thorough evaluation of the New key browser extension, it has become evident that its primary intent is to act as a browser hijacker. To be more specific, this application is designed with the purpose of altering the settings of hijacked browsers in a manner that compels users to utilize, a counterfeit search engine. Such applications, characterized by these actions, should not be considered reliable or trustworthy in any way.

Browser Hijackers Like the New Key Perform Intrusive Modifications

Upon installation, the New key extension exerts its influence by making significant alterations to the default homepage and search engine settings of the user's browser, redirecting them to the dubious domain of, a fraudulent search engine. What's particularly concerning is the extension's ability to restrict users from reverting these settings to their original preferences, effectively trapping them into employing the counterfeit search engine.

It is essential to emphasize that is classified as a fraudulent search engine due to its notable lack of credibility. Rather than providing authentic and unique search results, it redirects users to the legitimate Bing search engine. However, the redirect chain first goes through an intermediary address -, which is itself a questionable source.

Engaging with counterfeit search engines introduces several risks for users. These deceptive search engines may consistently yield results that are inaccurate, irrelevant, or tampered with, rendering the quest for genuine information or access to reliable websites a formidable challenge.

Moreover, the utilization of fake search engines can guide users towards potentially hazardous or malicious websites, escalating the probability of encountering malware or falling victim to phishing attacks. Furthermore, they compromise user privacy, as they often engage in the tracking and collection of sensitive data, including search queries and browsing habits, which can be utilized for sponsored advertising or other sinister purposes.

Browser Hijackers Often Obfuscate Their Installation through Dubious Distribution Practices

Browser hijackers frequently employ dubious distribution practices to obfuscate their installation, making it more challenging for users to detect and prevent their unwanted presence on their devices. Here are some common tactics used by these intrusive software to achieve this obfuscation:

  • Bundling with Freeware: Browser hijackers are often bundled with seemingly legitimate freeware or shareware applications. Users who download and install free software may not be aware that additional, unwanted software is being installed alongside the desired program. This bundled software includes browser hijackers, which are installed without the user's explicit consent.
  •  Deceptive Installation Wizards: Some browser hijackers use deceptive installation wizards that make it difficult for users to decline their installation. They might use misleading language, preselected checkboxes, or hide the information about the additional software being installed. Users may inadvertently agree to the installation of the browser hijacker without realizing it.
  •  Fake Updates and Downloads: Browser hijackers can disguise themselves as legitimate software updates or downloads. Users are prompted to update their browser, plugins, or other software, but the update is actually the hijacker. Unsuspecting users may think they are performing necessary updates, only to install the malicious software.
  •  Phishing and Social Engineering: Some browser hijackers use phishing tactics and social engineering to trick users into installing them. They may display alarming pop-up messages claiming the user's computer is infected with malware or that their browser is out of date. Users are then directed to click on links that lead to the installation of the browser hijacker.
  •  Malvertising: Fraudulent advertisements, or malvertisements, can lead users to websites that automatically download and install browser hijackers without their consent. Users may encounter these advertisements on sketchy websites or even on legitimate websites that have been compromised.

By understanding these deceptive distribution practices, users can be more vigilant and avoid falling victim to browser hijackers.


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