Threat Database Adware NetGuideSearch


By GoldSparrow in Adware

NetGuideSearch is an intrusive Mac application that may be installed alongside software bundles, cracked software installers, or when you download and interact with torrents. Once NetGuideSearch is up and running, it will gain persistence by creating a new 'Launch Daemon,' which ensures that NetGuideSearch will be started when the operating system boots up. It also may create a new 'Device Profile' that will allow it to apply persistent changes to the Safari Web browser's behavior.

NetGuideSearch is categorized as adware, and having it on your computer will be accompanied by annoying issues such as seeing plenty of advertisements, pop-ups, banners, and other marketing content while using Safari. Users who are not protected by a reliable Mac security tool may have trouble identifying the intrusive application, and they may not be able to get rid of the annoying advertisements.

If you suspect that your Safari Web browser is being plagued by adware, then we advise you to try and identify the intruder by using a suitable Mac security scanner.


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