The website is likely luring in visitors by claiming to provide users with sales that may be taking place near them. However, rest assured that the website will not provide you with any useful information or quality content.

The website is designed to hijack its visitors’ Web browser notifications. Usually, the visitors will be required to click on the ‘Allow’ button as soon as they launch the website. Doing so would grant the site permission to send you Web browser push-notifications. This may sound harmless, but the site is more than likely going to abuse this permission and bombard you with constant unwanted, irrelevant advertisements. Not only will the site spam you relentlessly, but the products and services it promotes are not trustworthy. This is due to the fact that shady websites tend to work in cooperation with dubious advertisement networks that are known to push low-quality products and services. Even if you receive an advertisement that seems relevant or interesting, it is best to avoid engaging with it. The website may even send you push-notifications when your Web browser is closed, which be very irritating will most certainly.

It is best to revoke all the permissions given to this dodgy website via your Web browser settings. In the future, avoid granting permission to untrustworthy sites like the page.


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