Threat Database Potentially Unwanted Programs Nature Extension Browser Hijacker

Nature Extension Browser Hijacker

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 8,974
Threat Level: 50 % (Medium)
Infected Computers: 256
First Seen: October 3, 2022
Last Seen: September 30, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The Nature Extension application was found by researchers while examining dubious websites. This particular browser extension offers to add nature-inspired wallpapers to the user's browser. However, when examined more thoroughly, it was discovered that Nature Extension operates as a browser hijacker. Indeed, once installed, it makes changes to several indispensable browser settings as a way to endorse the fake search engine

This behavior is a common tactic used by browser hijackers to redirect users to a fake search engine and generate traffic to the promoted site. The search results from these illegitimate search engines are often misleading or contain sponsored links and potentially harmful content. Therefore, it is essential for users to remove the Nature Extension and any similar browser hijackers as soon as they are detected to avoid any potential harm to their devices and data.

Browser Hijackers Like Nature Extension May Lead to Privacy Issues

Browser-hijacking software is typically capable of changing browser settings, such as the homepage, default search engine, and new tab page, to promote specific sites. The Nature Extension sets these settings to redirect users to the fake search engine. As a result, when Nature Extension is installed, any new browser tabs opened or search queries typed into the URL bar will redirect users to

Illegitimate search engines, like, rarely generate accurate search results and instead, cause further redirects to other destinations. In some cases, these may include legitimate search engines like Yahoo, Bing, etc., but this is not guaranteed and may depend on specific factors.

Browser hijackers also are likely to use persistence-ensuring techniques to prevent users from restoring the affected browser settings to their previous states. The Nature Extension is no exception and may prevent users from undoing its changes.

Furthermore, the Nature Extension is highly likely to possess data-tracking capabilities, which can include collecting sensitive information such as visited URLs, viewed pages, search queries, and geolocation. Some browser hijackers may also collect personally identifiable information, usernames and passwords, and finance-related data. The collected data can be acquired by third parties or exploited for profit by the developers of the particular PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) themselves.

Browser Hijackers are Rarely Installed Intentionally

PUPs and browser hijackers use a variety of shady methods for distribution. Some of the common tactics include bundling with legitimate software, deceptive advertising, and social engineering. Bundling involves packaging PUPs or browser hijackers with trustworthy software that users download from the internet. In many cases, the bundled software will not disclose the presence of the PUP or browser hijacker, making it difficult for users to avoid them.

Deceptive advertising is another tactic used by PUPs and browser hijackers. They may use pop-ups or banners to trick users into clicking on them, leading them to download the unwanted software. Social engineering tactics can also be employed to trick users into installing PUPs or browser hijackers. For example, an attacker may disguise the PUP as a legitimate security update or system optimization tool.

Once installed, PUPs and browser hijackers can modify browser settings, such as the default homepage or search engine, without the user's knowledge or consent. They also may install additional software or redirect users to unsafe websites. These actions can lead to a compromised system, privacy breaches, and financial losses.


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