Threat Database Adware Move Master

Move Master

By GoldSparrow in Adware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 16,696
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 22
First Seen: July 2, 2014
Last Seen: July 18, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Move Master is an adware threat that may load on your computer due to installing previously downloaded bundled software or freeware applications. The Move Master adware program may display random ads where they attempt to offer you products and services. In some instances the Move Master ads may relay pop-ups, pop-unders or banner style ads. Regardless of the Move Master ad content, the pop-ups may cause your web browser to perform poorly making surfing the internet a difficult or annoying task. Removing the Move Master ads and related files may require using an updated antimalware tool capable of detecting adware-type files and then removing them automatically. Once removed, the Move Master program and other components will no longer be able to load its pop-ups or other type of ads on your screen.


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