is an unsafe website created with a singular purpose - to propagate a popular browser-based tactic. There are countless websites dedicated to the same agenda. They employ similar social-engineering methods to deceive all unsuspecting visitors into clicking the 'Allow' button. No matter what the particular site claims that the button will do, it almost always is a lie. The truth is that clicking the button will grant the con artists all the browser permissions they require to start pushing unsolicited advertisements directly to the device's screen.

The most popular tactic observed in this scheme is for the website to pretend to be performing a captcha bot check., however, has adopted a different strategy. When users land on the website, they will be greeted by a big green 'Download' image of a button accompanied by the text - 'Your file is ready for download.' The implication is that for the users get this unspecified file, they will have to click 'Allow.'

Being affected by the tactic could disrupt the machine's normal use due to the frequency with which its advertisements will be displayed. It is advised to resist the urge to click on any of the advertisements as they could redirect you to other dubious sites that offer suspicious software updates or PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs). What users should do instead is to open the 'Settings' menu of their browser, find the 'Permissions' tab, look for, and remove all of the permissions that have been granted to it.


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