Manuals Aid

Sometimes we can't find the manuals for our gadgets, which can be very annoying and frustrating. However, we know that in almost every case, we can get these manuals online. This is a situation kind that may lead a compute user to be infected by Manuals Aid. Manuals Aid is classified as a Possibly Unwanted Program (PUP) by security researchers and can be introduced into a computer by its owner when looking for a specific manual, or it may be bundled with another free application that the computer user downloaded without researching it before.

Once Manuals Aid is inside the machine, it will change the computer users' homepage and new tab by setting as their search browser. From there on, all the computer users' searches will be redirected to Yahoo. The affected users will then notice that their search results will be full of advertisements, which may annoy and disturb their navigation.

PUPs are not considered unsafe. However, the changes they make to the computers may lead to compromising situations like the collection of data, mediocre search results (because the focus is the advertisements, not the users' queries), and the installation of other unwanted programs, including adware, browser hijackers and even threats. will try to receive authorization from the users to display notifications, which will increase the number of advertisements being displayed on the Web browser of the affected user.

No matter if it was you or a wrong click that has allowed Manuals Aid to enter your computer, the counsel of security researchers is to remove it from the affected machine. You should use a malware scanner to localize it or the application that brought it and let the scanner remove it from your computer.


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