Threat Database Trojans Mal/TDSSPack-AE


Mal/TDSSPack-AE is harmful Trojan infection that is advisable to remove upon detection. Mal/TDSSPack-AE can spread via file-sharing networks, spammed e-mails and malicious websites. Mal/TDSSPack-AE may be involved in botnet activities such as DDoS attacks. Mal/TDSSPack-AE will also deteriorate the performance of an infected machine making it vulnerable to other malware attacks.

File System Details

Mal/TDSSPack-AE may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. G179317u.exe
2. 1g9i17.exe
3. Q7w31y.exe
4. 9uOCE3179.exe
5. 3m793cE9.exe
6. k1yWS1e9.exe
7. A1k931wS.exe
8. 93eI93qG9.exe
9. A31eIQGMY.exe
10. WS7eIQ7w.exe
11. 5q555.exe
12. 931e93kU9.exe
13. 7aA1793.exe
14. 79yW79y.exe
15. 793179c.exe
16. 1793q7.exe
17. 93u7mY17o.exe
18. A93e7aA.exe
19. 5uOCE.exe
20. 9gM79wS7e.exe
21. 3k7y3179.exe
22. 79c1sKU.exe
23. m5555.exe
24. mY3c793.exe
25. 17qGM7.exe
26. 7yWS793.exe
27. a317sK1y9.exe
28. A5k5y.exe
29. WSKUOC17u.exe
30. U317a317s.exe
31. 1kU31i.exe
32. KUOCEI7q.exe
33. 17q3w7.exe
34. YWS1e9a.exe
35. 79mYWS3.exe
36. 3179qGM9.exe
37. 5uO55.exe
38. 17a3k7.exe
39. i17qG179.exe
40. 7mY17oC.exe
41. 3179q1w9.exe
42. 9317y3179.exe
43. WS3eI93.exe
44. 1iQGM7.exe
45. Y3cEIQG7i.exe
46. iQ79c1s9.exe
47. q93cEI3.exe
48. 3cE9aA79.exe


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