Threat Database Browser Hijackers is a deceptive website created with a singular purpose in mind - to conduct a browser-based tactic. The scheme enacted by is extremely popular among fraudsters, with countless sites almost identical to it emerging daily. The goal is pretty simple - to trick the user into subscribing to the site's push notification services. As a result, affected users will be subjected to a stream of unsolicited advertisements being delivered directly to the screen of their device. 

The tactic employed by is to pretend that a non-specified video cannot be played by showing a buffering symbol. If the visitors want to continue watching, they must click the 'Allow' button and fall right into the trap set up by the website. The prominently displayed message states: 

'Click the Allow button to subscribe to push notifications and continue watching.'

While by itself, the tactic is far from presenting any real danger, the advertisements it may deliver could pose serious privacy risks. Clicking on any of them could take the user to dubious online game sites, or ones offering suspicious software which is most likely compromised of Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs). 

To stop from interfering with your browsing experience, it is recommended to open the 'Settings' menu of your browser, locate the 'Permissions' tab, find the tactic website, and revoke all of the permissions and privileges that have been granted to it. 


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