Threat Database Ransomware Lilium Ransomware

Lilium Ransomware

Lilium is a type of ransomware identified by cybersecurity researchers during their investigation of potential malware threats. Once it successfully infiltrates a system, Lilium encrypts and renames numerous files, then displays a ransom note to victims in the form of '!INFO.HTA.' It appends an email address, a string of random characters, and the '.lilium' extension to the original filenames.

For example, Lilium changes' 1.pdf' to' 1.pdf. [] [PXC5RJLTIQMEF4N] .lilium' and' 2.jpg' to' 2.jpg. [] [PXC5RJLTIQMEF4N] .lilium'. Researchers have determined that Lilium Ransomware is based on the VoidCryp ransomware family, making it a significant threat.

The Lilium Ransomware Locks Victims from Accessing Their Own Data

Lilium's ransom note informs victims that their files have been encrypted with a highly secure algorithm, making decryption impossible without purchasing a decryption tool from the attackers. The note warns that the price for the decryption tool will double after 48 hours. It also specifies that the payment must be made in Bitcoins and provides two email addresses ( and for contacting the attackers.

Typically, decryption of files encrypted by ransomware is only possible with the specific decryption tool offered by the attackers. However, paying the ransom is not recommended, as there is no guarantee that the cybercriminals will provide the decryption tool even after payment.

It is crucial to remove ransomware threats from any infected computers as soon as possible. While the ransomware remains active, it can spread across a local network or encrypt additional files on the already compromised system.

Take Measures to Boost the Security of Your Data and Devices against Malware Threats

To boost the security of their data and devices against malware threats, users can take several proactive measures. Here’s a comprehensive guide:

  1. Regular Backups
    Frequent Backups: Regularly back up important data to external drives or cloud storage services. Ensure that these backups are disconnected from the system when not in use to prevent them from being targeted by ransomware.
    Automated Backups: Set up automated backup processes to ensure that all important data is consistently backed up without manual intervention.
  2. Keep Software Updated
    Operating System Updates: Ensure your operating system is up to date with the latest security patches and updates.
    Application Updates: Regularly update all applications, including web browsers, antivirus programs, and other software, to their latest versions to protect against known vulnerabilities.
  3. Use Reliable Security Software
    Anti-malware: Install reputable antivirus and anti-malware software and keep it updated.
    Real-time Protection: Enable real-time protection features to automatically detect and block threats.
  4. Strong Passwords and Authentication
    Complex Passwords: Create strong, unique passwords for all accounts. Use a combination of letters, numbers, and, if possible, special characters.
    Password Managers: Utilize password managers to generate and store complex passwords securely.
    Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Enable MFA on all accounts that offer it to add an extra layer of security.
  5. Be Cautious with Emails and Links
    Email Attachments: Avoid opening email attachments from unknown or untrusted sources.
    Phishing Awareness: Be vigilant about phishing scams. Do not click on links or download files from suspicious emails.
    Verify Sources: Always verify the legitimacy of the sender before engaging with any email content.
  6. Limit User Privileges
    Least Privilege Principle: Limit user permissions to the minimum necessary to perform their duties. Avoid using administrative accounts for everyday tasks.
    Separate User Accounts: Create separate user accounts with limited privileges for different users on a single device.
  7. Enable Firewalls and Configure Security Settings
    Firewalls: Ensure that both hardware and software firewalls are enabled to block unauthorized access.
    Security Settings: Configure security settings on all devices to their highest practical levels.
  8. Educate Yourself and Others
    Cybersecurity Training: Stay informed about the latest cybersecurity threats and trends. Provide training to employees and family members on safe online practices and how to recognize potential threats.

By incorporating these practices into your routine, you can significantly enhance the security of your data and devices, thereby reducing the risk of malware and ransomware attacks.

The ransom note created by Lilium Ransomware is:

!!! Your Files Has Been Encrypted !!!your files has been locked with highest secure cryptography algorithm
there is no way to decrypt your files without paying and buying Decryption tool
but after 48 hour decryption price will be double
you can send some little files for decryption test
test file should not contain valuable data
after payment you will get decryption tool ( payment Should be with Bitcoin)
so if you want your files dont be shy feel free to contact us and do an agreement on price
!!! or Delete you files if you dont need them !!!Your ID :
our Email
In Case Of No Answer


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