Threat Database Ransomware Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego...

Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego Ransomware

By ESGI Advisor in Ransomware

The 'Komputer zostal zablokowany z powodu naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware Trojan is the variant of the Ukash ransomware infection that attacks computers located in Poland. This malware infection is one of the many clones of a dangerous ransomware Trojan that has been responsible for infections in many countries in Europe. The 'Komputer zostal zablokowany z powodu naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware Trojan impersonates the Polish police, claiming that the victim's computer was involved in illegal activities and demanding the payment of a fine. ESG security researchers strongly recommend against paying this ransom since doing this will not remove the 'Komputer zostal zablokowany z powodu naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware infection from your computer. Instead, this ransomware Trojan should be removed with the help of reliable anti-malware software.

To attack computer users, this ransomware Trojan blocks access to all content on the infected computer, including essential components such as the Windows Desktop and all files on the victim's computer. When the victim logs into Windows, the infected PC displays a message claiming that the Polish police has blocked access to the victim's computer because it was connected with illegal activities. It is important to understand that the 'Komputer zostal zablokowany z powodu naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware infection has no connection to the Polish police and is actually part of a well known online scam that has targeted computer users from all around the world. There are dozens of variants of this scam displaying different messages depending on the victim's computer's geographical location.

Removing the 'Komputer zostal zablokowany z powodu naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware Trojan requires gaining access to your security software. To do this, it is necessary to start up Windows in Safe Mode or from an alternate boot source. If Safe Mode is still blocked, then ESG security researchers advise starting up with a Command Prompt (via the Safe Mode menu) to gain access to the Windows Registry Editor or the Windows Explorer. A reliable security program that is fully up to date should be capable of removing the 'Komputer zostal zablokowany z powodu naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware infection completely provided that you can gain access to it using the above methods. It is very important to understand that the 'Komputer zostal zablokowany z powodu naruszenia prawa polskiego' Ransomware message is a lie designed to steal your money and that you should not follow its instructions under any circumstances.


The following messages associated with Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego Ransomware were found:

English translation:

The computer was locked due to the breach of Polish law
Revealed the following violations:
• Downloading or transmission of the video of pornographic material involving minors, child pornography, sodomy and violence against children. The use of pirated audio-video and their arrangement.
Distribution and storage of child pornography offenses provided for in Article (Article 227-23) of the Criminal Code in Poland. It includes imprisonment for a term of 2 to 5 years.
• Use of software copyright infringement. Punishment in accordance with Article (Article 323-2), the Polish Penal Code provides for a penalty of imprisonment for a period of 1 to 3 years.
• Transfer media files copyright infringement. Punishment in accordance with Article (Article 323-3), the Polish Penal Code provides for imprisonment for a period of 1 to 3 years.
To unlock the computer, you will have to pay a fine. According to Polish law, the equivalent of 500 PLN for 3 days. The fine is possible if the offense is committed for the first time. You will be transferred to the responsibility of a criminal offense under the laws of the country Poland. If you do not pay the fine within 1-3 days, your computer will be confiscated, the matter will be referred to the consideration of the district court.
You can pay a fine of Ukash voucher with our partners.
You will need to purchase a Ukash voucher worth 500 PLN, and then fill out the form, type the code and click "Fines paid / OK". Your computer will be unlocked after Ukash authentication. . Usually 1-4 hours
Komputer zostal zablokowany naruszenia prawa polskiego
Ujawnily nastepujace naruszenia:
• Pobierz nagranie wideo lub przekazywanie materialów pornograficznych z udzialem maloletnich, pornografii dzieciecej, ogród i przemocy wobec dzieci. Korzystanie z pirackich nagran audio-video oraz ich rozmieszczenie.
Dystrybucja i przechowywanie pornografii przestepstwa przewidzianego w art (art. 227-23) kodeksu karnego w Polsce. Obejmuje ona pozbawienia wolnosci na okres od 2 do 5 lat.
• Korzystanie z naruszeniem praw autorskich oprogramowania. Kara zgodnie z art (art. 323-2), polski kodeks karny przewiduje kare pozbawienia wolnosci na okres od 1 do 3 lat.
• Transfer plików multimedialnych naruszeniu praw autorskich. Kara zgodnie z art (art. 323-3), polski kodeks kamy przewiduje kare pozbawienia wolnosci na okres od 1 do 3 lat.
Aby odblokowac komputer, bedziesz musial zaplacic grzywne. Zgodnie z prawem polskim, równowartosc 500 PLN za 3 dni. Kara grzywny jest mozliwe, jesli to przestepstwo zostalo popelnione po raz pierwszy. Zostaniesz przeniesiony do odpowiedzialnosci zgodnie z prawem przestepstwo kraj Polsce. Jesli nie uiszczenia grzywny w ciagu 1-3 dni, komputer zostana skonfiskowane, sprawa zostanie skierowana do rozpatrzenia sadu rejonowego.
Mozesz zaplacic grzywne z pomoca naszego kuponu Ukash partnerów.
Bedziesz musial zakupic kupon Ukash warta 500 PLN, a nastepnie wypelnic formularz wpisz kod i kliknij "Grzywny zaplaty / OK". Komputer zostanie odblokowany po kupon Ukash uwierzytelniania. . Zazwyczaj 1-4 godziny


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