
Jimro.pro is the name of a dodgy Web page that does not host any content that is worth your precious time. Despite the fact that the Jimro.pro page is an empty website, it will likely claim to host engaging content in an attempt to trick users into visiting it.

Once you try to open the Jimro.pro site, you will see a fake video prompt that will appear to load a video. The Jimro.pro page will spawn another prompt that asks you to click 'Allow' immediately. Many users may be tricked into clicking on the 'Allow' button in an attempt to get the video to load. However, there is nothing to be watched and allowing the Jimro.pro website to send you notifications via your Web browser will result in constant spam advertisements. The Jimro.pro page will use this permission to display advertisements promoting shady services and low-quality products via your Web browser notifications. Malware experts warn users against engaging with the advertisements spawned by the Jimro.pro site.

If you want to prevent the Jimro.pro website from sending you push-notifications, you should open your Web browser's settings and revoke all the permissions granted to the dodgy page.


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