Threat Database Browser Hijackers

By GoldSparrow in Browser Hijackers

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 3,840
Threat Level: 10 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 1,812
First Seen: February 27, 2015
Last Seen: September 16, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Security experts advise web surfers not to trust content displayed on the pop-up because it is generated by adware. Additionally, the pop-up may suggest you to call 1-866-553-2306 for technical support and offer you to install a supposedly legitimate update for your browser. You should keep in mind that the pop-up is shown to you by adware that may direct you to install potentially harmful software and to call hackers. Web surfers might be interested to know that adware often travels embedded with freeware setup files that most users prefer to install via the 'Express' or 'Typical' option. Adware similar to the one affiliated with can be used by hackers to point computer users to call fake technical support and receive instructions to install a remote desktop application that can grant attackers access to their OS. Therefore, clicking on pop-up ads coming from is strongly advised against, and you might want to install a renowned anti-malware shield to protect and clean your computer.


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