
By GoldSparrow in Potentially Unwanted Programs

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 11,467
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 447
First Seen: September 16, 2016
Last Seen: August 3, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The InstaTime program is promoted as a program that can allow active Instagram users maximize their efficiency and increase their followers. The InstaTime program is hosted on and is developed by TimeApp Studio Ltd. The InstaTime app does not require a subscription, and you do not need to pay fees on a year basis. The InstaTime software is published as freeware and relies on the support of marketers to maintain its servers. Computer users that are interested in installing InstaTime should note that their activity in InstaTime may be recorded by third parties such as marketers and ad networks. The InstaTime app does not extend the functionality of Instagram and is not recognized as a trusted client for Instagram.

InstaTime is deemed as a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) because it is reported to show advertisements from non-Instagram sources and read data like the user's contact information and posts. Users that are willing to use InstaTime to manage their feed on Instagram should be aware that their Internet activity via InstaTime is not secured with HTTPS encryption, and third parties may read their messages. Researchers advise against using the InstaTime software to open Instagram and upload content on the Internet. The communications of the InstaTime software are not secure, and users may be vulnerable to Man-in-the-Middle attacks. Instagram and browser vendors are working to deliver a secure online experience to users, and the InstaTime application may not be safe to use. Educated Internet users might wish to reconsider installing the InstaTime app that needs to implement improvements to be a viable desktop client for content on the Web. You can remove the InstaTime program using a credible anti-spyware instrument that can delete data related to InstaTime and tracking cookies that may be on their PCs.

File System Details

InstaTime may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. C:\Users\\appdata\Roaming\InstaTime\Uninstall.exe
2. C:\Users\\appdata\roaming\instatime\InstaTime.exe
3. storage.json


InstaTime may call the following URLs:


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