
Inetpub is a default Windows folder. It is used by IIS (Internet Information Services). In practice, the folder is the place where IIS collects information about its connections to the webserver. The data is arranged in the form of text files stored in the 'C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles' directory. There are five subfolders inside the Inetpub folder - adminscripts, iisamples, mailroot, scripts, and wwwroot, each serving a different purpose. Users who do not or do not plan to use IIS or host any websites on their computer systems can proceed to delete the Inetpub folder safely. One potential hurdle is presented by a Windows function that first needs to be turned off before the folder becomes clear for deletion.

Navigate to Windows' Controls Panel. Click on 'Programs,' and look for 'Turn Windows features on or off in the window that appears.' It should be located under 'Programs and Features.' Click on it. Now, you will be presented with a long list of Windows features. The one we are looking for is called 'Internet Information Services.' Uncheck it and click on 'OK' to save the change. Users are now free to go to the location of their Inetpub folder and delete it through any method they choose.


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