Threat Database Adware HD-V2.2V01.10


By CagedTech in Adware

HD-V2.2V01.10 is an adware program that is promoted as being capable of finding the best deals for the sites you visit. If HD-V2.2V01.10 wasn't downloaded by you and your Web browser is displaying advertisements by HD-V2.2V01.10, this means that an adware or Potentially Unwanted Program found its way to your machine. This intrusion may be caused by freeware downloaded from the Internet that had HD-V2.2V01.10 bundled in its installation. HD-V2.2V01.10 displays various different advertisements such discounts, banners, coupons, deals and more, in an attempt to convince the computer user to click on them. If HD-V2.2V01.10 is installed on your computer either by you or without your interference and you want HD-V2.2V01.10 out of your computer, you should use a malware removal program to get rid of HD-V2.2V01.10.


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