
Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 9,044
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 11
First Seen: July 28, 2023
Last Seen: September 21, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Hawayhat.com is a deceptive website that falsely presents itself as an online store offering products from Bed Bath & Beyond at remarkably discounted prices as part of a purported store closing sale. However, it is essential to be aware that this website has no affiliation with Bed Bath & Beyond whatsoever. Instead, it operates as a cunning tactic designed to exploit unsuspecting users, aiming to steal both their money and personal information.

Rogue Sites Like Hawayhat.com Often Impersonate Legitimate Brands to Lure Users

The Hawayhat.com site takes advantage of unsuspecting customers, luring them into believing that they are making legitimate purchases from the authentic Bed Bath & Beyond website. However, in reality, they are falling victim to scammers who aim to exploit their trust and steal both their money and sensitive personal information.

To promote their fraudulent website, the fraudsters utilize various deceptive methods, such as sending phishing emails, creating fake ads on social media platforms and fabricating fake news articles. These tactics are designed to attract potential victims and convince them that Hawayhat.com is a legitimate and reputable online store.

Once customers visit the Hawayhat.com website, they are immediately drawn in by the alluring prices and discounts, leading them to proceed with placing an order for the seemingly great deals. During the checkout process, customers are required to provide their personal and financial information, including their address, full name, phone number, email address, credit card number, expiration date and CVV code.

Unfortunately, after completing the payment process, customers do not receive any confirmation email or tracking number for their order. The scammers remain elusive, and any attempts to contact the supposed customer service team yield no response. As time passes, customers come to the distressing realization that they have been deceived, and they will never receive the products they thought they purchased, nor will they get their money back.

Moreover, the risks extend far beyond monetary loss. Entrusting their sensitive personal information to scammers exposes victims to potential identity theft and other fraudulent activities. The scammers could exploit the stolen credit card details to make unauthorized purchases or sell the information to other cybercriminals on the dark web. Furthermore, the victims' personal information might be misused to open new accounts, apply for loans, or engage in various other forms of identity fraud, causing significant harm to their financial well-being and reputation.

Use Caution When Dealing with Unfamiliar Shopping Sites

As customers navigate the vast and diverse realm of e-commerce, it becomes essential to adopt a vigilant and cautious approach when dealing with enticing offers from unfamiliar or dubious websites. Taking proactive measures to verify the legitimacy of an online store can significantly reduce the risk of falling prey to deceptive schemes like Hawayhat.com.

One fundamental step in assessing the authenticity of an online store is to check for secure payment gateways, indicated by the presence of 'HTTPS' in the website's URL. The inclusion of 'HTTPS' ensures that the website's data transmission is encrypted and protected from potential interception by malicious actors. Customers can also look for a padlock symbol in the browser's address bar, confirming the website's security.

Another critical aspect of safeguarding personal information is to exercise diligence during the online shopping process. Customers should be cautious when providing sensitive data, such as credit card details and personal information, and only do so on websites they trust and recognize as reputable. Additionally, it is prudent to avoid downloading attachments or clicking on links from suspicious emails, as phishing attempts often use such tactics to deceive users into revealing confidential information.

Furthermore, customers should stay informed about the latest types of online scams and remain alert to potential warning signs. Educating oneself about common scamming techniques empowers customers to recognize red flags and steer clear of fraudulent activities.

In the unfortunate event that customers suspect they have encountered a scam or fallen victim to one, immediate action is crucial. Promptly reporting any suspicious activities to relevant authorities or financial institutions can help prevent further harm and potentially aid in tracking down the perpetrators.


Hawayhat.com may call the following URLs:



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