goPhotoz Start Extension

The goPhotoz Start Extension is published as a free-to-use program on The goPhotoz Start Extension is published by, which is under construction as of the time of writing this article. The goPhotoz Start Extension is programmed to change the user's new tab settings in Google Chrome and deliver "a quick photos click-and-visit experience." Our tests of the goPhotoz Start Extension showed that the "quick photos click-and-visit experience" translates into changing your new tab page and placing links to resources on, as well as shortcuts to popular sites like Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Gmail, YouTube and Amazon.

The goPhotoz Start New Tab includes links to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for the goPhotoz Start Extension, which you can find on h[tt]p://www.gophotoz[.]com/tos_main.php and h[tt]p://www.gophotoz[.]com/privacy_main.php. The goPhotoz Start New Tab includes what appears to be a search bar, but it is a simple redirect-gateway powered by The domain is associated with the search engine, which has a bad reputation for browser hijacking. Domains like are known to redirect users to Yahoo and promote riskware. We have seen the goPhotoz Start Extension use the portal to reroute users to a custom Yahoo engine on h[tt]ps://[.]com/yhs/search?hspart=iba&hsimp=yhs-1&type=gpnt_5420_CRW_EN&p=[search terms]. It is safe to use Yahoo, but the goPhotoz Start Extension may trigger redirects to untrusted pages. Computer security experts perceive the goPhotoz Start Extension as a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) by PC users may want to refuse using the goPhotoz Start Extension when they can simply bookmark h[tt]ps://500px[.]com/search?. You can uninstall the goPhotoz Start Extension and suppress unwanted redirects to Yahoo with the help of a trustworthy cybersecurity product.


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