
The Go.normandoh.com domain is registered to the IP address, and it appears to function as a redirect-portal to search results on Yahoo. Go.normandoh.com is presented to Web surfers as minimalistic search engine page that hosts a single and non-customizable search bar, a link to Gmail at the top-right corner, options for image/video, and a standard search with Yahoo at the top-left corner, and the usual About/Privacy/Terms links at the bottom. Go.normandoh.com may be loaded as the default new tab and primary search provider for PC users who have installed a piece of software called 'Normandoh.' The 'Normandoh' program is described at h[tt]p://www.normandoh[.]com/about as follows:

'Normandoh is a unique software installer, designed to improve regular software installation processes. The Normandoh installer guarantees a successful installation, by using our robust Installation Manager. Get the apps you want in the fastest, most convenient way.'

Analyzing the installer for the 'Normandoh' desktop application did not reveal what software installation optimizations are made. However, it became apparent that PC users receive modifications to their Internet browser settings so that they are forced to load Go.normandoh.com as their new tab and primary search aggregator. You should note that the leading search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, and Yahoo support HTTPS connections to protect your search operations and deliver access to clean resources on their site. However, Go.normandoh.com does not adhere to industry standards, and you should abstain from entering information at Go.normandoh.com. Do not enter details like your names, phone number, email address, age, gender, physical address, social security number, and other information that can be used by the con artists with access to the back-end of Go.normandoh.com. The program associated with Go.normandoh.com is perceived as riskware, and it may be used to push targeted advertisements to your screen. You may be interested in removing the 'Normandoh' software, tracking cookies and Web beacons that might be misused for unethical marketing practices. The Go.normandoh.com has several clones that include go[.]mennythanks[.]com, go[.]bonanzoro[.]com, go[.]deepteep[.]com, and go[.]bonefreeze[.]com that you may want to avoid.


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