Get Radio Music
The Get Radio Music is the name of a garden-variety browser hijacker that comes in the form of a browser extension. The Get Radio Music is distributed by an entity, which calls itself Polarity Technologies. While it is more of an annoyance than a full-blown, truly unsafe malware, it is still a nuisance that users should be aware of. The Get Radio Music replaces the newly opened tab URL of your browser with search(dot)searchgrm(dot)com. It seems to affect all commonly used browsers, including Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
The Get Radio Music extension, once planted in your browser, may collect your search information, which it funnels through its custom search engine and may offer the collected data to third parties. The Get Radio Music extension has its own website and Privacy Policy, which states clearly that the service may collect information about the user's search activity and this information may be shared with third parties.
The Get Radio Music is distributed through its own Web page at hxxp://getradiomusic(dot)co and also may use the other most common distribution vehicle typical for this malware type – bundle installers. With bundle installers, a piece of malware can sometimes hitch a ride even alongside a legitimate program, which is why users should be extra careful and read all prompts and checkbox options when clicking through the install process.