The page is a bogus website that has only one purpose – trick its visitors into permitting it to display Web browser notifications. Operators of dodgy websites like the page make cash by bombarding their users with countless unwanted advertisements.

The site appears to host an interesting video, which may catch the attention of the user. However, there is no video to be seen because the does not host any content of value. Instead, visitors will be presented with a fake prompt that appears to be loading a video. The visitor will be asked to click on the ‘Allow’ button on their screen in order to proceed and view the video. However, clicking on the ‘Allow’ button will not enable them to see any content. Instead, they will permit the shady website to display push-notifications in their Web browser. The site will not only relentlessly spam its users with ads but will also likely attempt to push low-quality services and overly expensive, dodgy products. This is why users are advised against engaging with the advertisements affiliated with the website.

Users who are receiving advertisements linked to the site can put an end to the spam by revoking all permissions given to the dodgy page via their Web browser settings.


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