
Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 2,387
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 7,148
First Seen: August 22, 2022
Last Seen: September 30, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Infosec researchers have uncovered the existence of the rogue Web page called Fyncenter.com during their investigation into suspicious websites. This particular Web page operates with the primary objective of engaging in browser notification spam and redirecting users to other websites, most of which are likely to be dubious or even unsafe.

It has been noticed that a significant proportion of individuals who end up on Fyncenter.com or similar pages do so as a result of being redirected from other websites that utilize rogue advertising networks. These networks are known to facilitate the generation of redirects, leading unsuspecting users to such untrustworthy destinations.

Fyncenter.com Utilizes Fake Scenarios to Trick Visitors

The behavior exhibited by rogue websites can vary depending on the visitor's IP address or geolocation. This means that the content promoted on these websites, as well as the actions they prompt, may be influenced by this information.

During the research, it was observed that Fyncenter.com, specifically, featured an image of a purple pixelated robot along with instructions asking the visitor to click 'Allow' if they were not a robot. However, this CAPTCHA test is fraudulent. By 'completing' the test as instructed, the visitor unknowingly grants permission to Fyncenter.com to deliver browser notifications.

These notifications, which often take the form of advertisements, endorse various tactics, unreliable or harmful software, and potentially contain malware. Consequently, through websites like Fyncenter.com, users may encounter system infections, serious privacy issues, suffer financial losses, and even become victims of identity theft. Users must exercise caution and avoid falling victim to the deceptive tactics employed by these rogue websites.

Pay Attention to the Typical Signs of a Fake CAPTCHA Check

Recognizing a fake CAPTCHA check requires users to be observant and attentive to certain signs that can indicate its fraudulent nature:

  • Inconsistent or unusual design: A fake CAPTCHA may exhibit design elements that appear inconsistent, unprofessional, or visually different from legitimate CAPTCHA checks. Users should be wary of any suspicious or poorly designed CAPTCHA interfaces.
  •  Abnormal or unnecessary requests: A fake CAPTCHA might ask for unusual or unnecessary information beyond the typical task of proving human interaction. For example, it may ask for personal details, payment information, or additional actions that are unrelated to the purpose of CAPTCHA verification.
  •  Incoherent or nonsensical instructions: Legitimate CAPTCHA checks generally provide clear and concise instructions for users to follow. Fake CAPTCHAs may contain vague, confusing, or nonsensical instructions that do not align with standard CAPTCHA practices.
  •  Lack of accessibility options: Legitimate CAPTCHAs often include accessibility options for individuals with disabilities, such as audio alternatives or options for visually impaired users. If a CAPTCHA lacks these accessibility features, it could indicate its fraudulent nature.
  •  Suspicious website context: If a CAPTCHA check appears on a website that doesn't typically require such verification, it raises suspicions. Users should be cautious if encountering a CAPTCHA on a site where it seems unnecessary or out of place.
  •  Unusual behavior after completing the CAPTCHA: A fake CAPTCHA might exhibit unexpected behavior after users complete the verification process. For instance, it may redirect users to unrelated or suspicious websites, trigger downloads without consent, or prompt further suspicious actions.

Users need to remain vigilant and trust their instincts when encountering CAPTCHA checks. If something feels off or raises doubts about the legitimacy of the CAPTCHA, it's advisable to refrain from proceeding further.


Fyncenter.com may call the following URLs:



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