Threat Database Adware Funbrowsi Ads

Funbrowsi Ads

By GoldSparrow in Adware

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 80 % (High)
Infected Computers: 1
First Seen: September 11, 2015
Last Seen: May 3, 2020
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Adware on your machine generates the ads by Funbrowsi that promote software like DriverUpdate and merchandise from suspicious online stores. Moreover, the Funbrowsi adware may read information like your system configuration and welcome you to visit sponsored sites like that promoted fake computer support services. Funbrowsi may use tracking cookies and DOM storage data to determine what type of marketing content would pique your interests. The Funbrowsi adware may detect your approximate geographical location to show commercials suited to your region. The ads powered by Funbrowsi may take the form of pop-up windows, banners, inline ads and full-page promotions. The Funbrowsi adware is deployed to users via free software bundles that most users handle with the 'Typical' or 'Express' option carelessly. The name of the Funbrowsi adware is ironic given the fact that infected users will not have fun at all. However, the developers of Funbrowsi may have a good time collecting the affiliate revenue generated by users of affected computers. The Funbrowsi adware may decrease your browser performance and work as a background service that users may not be able to stop. Security experts note that the adware may edit your Windows Registry to obstruct users from removing its executable manually. Additionally, the Funbrowsi adware may hijack your system resources and connect your PC to a cloud computing network to earn more revenue for its developers. Security experts recommend users to purge the Funbrowsi adware by using a trusted anti-malware instrument.


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