Threat Database Adware FlashGame Deluxe Ads

FlashGame Deluxe Ads

By GoldSparrow in Adware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 14,562
Threat Level: 80 % (High)
Infected Computers: 22
First Seen: June 15, 2015
Last Seen: June 26, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

FlashGame Deluxe is a gaming platform located at This website is a host for numerous flash-based games. Unlike most ad-driven platforms, FlashGame Deluxe actually has some utility in that it provides entertainment via its flash-based games. Furthermore, FlashGame Deluxe does not seem to have any browser add-ons through which it manifests; therefore, FlashGame Deluxe has no capability to force adware on you or hijack your browser. Nevertheless, the ads and pop-ups generated by the website should not be underestimated as they may expose your computer to various virtual threats. Furthermore, FlashGame Deluxe and the advertisements it generates may promote the installation of potentially unwanted software. Overall, FlashGame Deluxe is a website that hosts free flash-based games and generates revenue through advertisements. If you enjoy flash-based games and don't mind advertisements, FlashGame Deluxe is right up your alley. However, be cautious of the ads and pop-ups as they may prove to be harmful to your computer.


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