
The Elfpetsic.com site is a bogus website that tries to trick users into thinking it is hosting adult entertainment such as erotic games, videos or images. However, there is no such content on the Elfpetsic.com page, and this site is designed with one purpose only – to convince its visitors to allow it to display Web browser notifications.

The creators of the Elfpetsic.com site are likely generating revenue by working hand in hand with dodgy advertisement networks. Such networks are known to promote untrustworthy products and services that may be not only low-quality but also overly expensive. It is likely that the Elfpetsic.com website tricks its visitors into allowing it to display Web browser notifications by claiming that they need to confirm their age if they want to view the content on the page. To prove that they are not underage, visitors of the Elfpetsic.com site are asked to click on the ‘Allow’ button on their screens. However, this button does not serve for anything else but to permit the page to display Web browser notifications.

If you are being bombarded by advertisements by the Elfpetsic.com site, you should revoke all permissions given to this dodgy page using your Web browser settings. If you want to avoid such issues in the future, stick to browsing legitimate websites.


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