
ElementaryDataSearch is a browser hijacker that redirects your homepage and search queries to safefinder.com. That happens through the installation of the 'ElementaryDataSearch' browser extension on the victim's computer. The search engine safefinder.com is fake, and it displays results from search.yahoo.com, though the search queries go through ElementaryDataSearch to generate advertising revenues for the cybercriminals who operate this Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP).

ElementaryDataSearch modifies your browser settings, which can result in online privacy issues. That is why it should be removed from your computer as soon as detected. ElementaryDataSearch is typically distributed through advertisements on dubious websites, or it may come bundled within other software that is offered for free. In both cases, it gets installed without the victim’s notice or consent. This potentially unwanted and useless tool can be removed either manually or through an automatic removal program.


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