Threat Database Rogue Websites

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 4,601
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 88
First Seen: October 8, 2023
Last Seen: October 17, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

During the examination of untrustworthy websites, researchers came across the rogue page. This particular Web page is designed with a nefarious purpose: it actively promotes spam browser notifications. It carries out redirects to other websites, which are often dubious or even unsafe in nature. It's noteworthy that the typical route for users to land on pages like involves being redirected from websites that make use of rogue advertising networks. This process underscores the clandestine tactics employed by certain websites to draw unsuspecting visitors into the Web of spam notifications and potentially hazardous online destinations. Lures Visitors with Clickbait Messages

It's important to recognize that the behavior of rogue websites can be influenced by the visitor's IP address, which provides geolocation information. In simpler terms, the content and interactions encountered on these Web pages may vary depending on the geographical location of the user.

When landing on the page, the researchers observed two distinct variants, with both of them employing deceptive CAPTCHA tests as part of their strategy for promoting browser notifications. One of these versions featured a purple robot alongside text instructing the user to 'Click Allow if you are not a robot.' At the same time, the other variant displayed an image with five robots, accompanied by the same set of instructions.

If the user permits to deliver browser notifications, the consequences can be quite dire. This rogue Web page will inundate the user with a barrage of advertisements endorsing online tactics, promoting unreliable or harmful software and even distributing malware. Consequently, through encounters with websites like, users may find themselves vulnerable to a range of threats, including system infections, severe breaches of privacy, financial losses and the risk of identity theft. This underscores the substantial risks associated with engaging with such deceptive and unsafe online content.

Pay Attention to the Signs of a Fake CAPTCHA Check

Identifying potential fake CAPTCHA checks is essential for safeguarding against deceptive websites and unsafe activities. Here are distinct red flags that should raise suspicion about the legitimacy of a CAPTCHA check:

  • Excessive or Unusual Requests: Legitimate websites typically use CAPTCHAs sparingly, usually during specific actions like login attempts or submitting forms. If you encounter CAPTCHAs frequently, especially for seemingly mundane actions like viewing content or navigating the site, it could be a red flag.
  •  Poor Design and Visual Quality: Fake CAPTCHAs often lack the professional design and visual quality of genuine ones. Look for inconsistencies in fonts, colors, and overall appearance, as these can be indicative of a fraudulent CAPTCHA.
  •  Unclear or Illogical Instructions: Fake CAPTCHAs may contain instructions that are unclear, vague, or illogical. Legitimate CAPTCHAs typically have straightforward instructions, such as 'Click on all the traffic lights' or 'Select all images with a storefront.'
  •  Overuse of Unrelated Images: Some fake CAPTCHAs include unrelated images that are not directly related to the usual CAPTCHA content. If you're asked to select images of animals or objects that have no apparent connection to the task at hand, it could be a sign of a fake CAPTCHA.
  •  Inconsistent Language or Grammar: Pay attention to the language and grammar used in the CAPTCHA instructions. Fake CAPTCHAs often contain grammatical errors or use unusual wording. Legitimate CAPTCHAs are usually well-written.
  •  CAPTCHAs During Non-Interactive Actions: If you're asked to complete a CAPTCHA while merely reading content or navigating a site (actions that don't typically require CAPTCHA checks), it's a warning sign.
  •  Lack of HTTPS: Check for the presence of HTTPS in the website's URL. Fake CAPTCHAs are more commonly found on insecure, non-HTTPS websites.

When you encounter these red flags, it's wise to use caution and think about the possibility that the CAPTCHA check may be fake or part of a deceptive scheme. To protect your online security, refrain from engaging further with such websites and be wary of providing any personal information.

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