Threat Database Ransomware Direccion General de la Policia Ransomware

Direccion General de la Policia Ransomware

By Domesticus in Ransomware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 9,812
Threat Level: 10 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 595
First Seen: February 15, 2013
Last Seen: September 16, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Direccion General de la Policia Ransomware Image

The Dirección General de la Policía Ransomware is a malware infection that is used to target computer users located in Spain. Like most ransomware, the Dirección General de la Policía Ransomware causes the appearance of an alarming system alert on the victim's computer. This alert warns the computer user that the targeted computer was blocked because it was involved in downloading illegally copyrighted content. However, this message is a lie and part of the Dirección General de la Policía Ransomware which is designed to trick inexperienced computer users into paying a fine of one hundred Euros. The Dirección General de la Policía Ransomware will typically infect a computer due to the download of an infected file or from visiting websites containing malicious scripts designed to redirect visitors to attack websites.

The Dirección General de la Policía Ransomware message claims that the victim downloaded illegal music, video or software content and threatens the victim with two to eight years of jail time and a fine of thousands of dollars. Because of this, inexperienced computer users may end up feeling relieved when the Dirección General de la Policía Ransomware message goes on to claim that these charges can be waived by paying one hundred Euros using the Ukash PaySafeCard money transfer service. Although the Dirección General de la Policía Ransomware message claims that the victim's computer has been blocked by the Spanish police force, there is actually no connection between this scam and law enforcement. Furthermore, paying the Dirección General de la Policía Ransomware fee will not remove this threat from your computer or unblock your machine, regardless of this malware's claims.

The main problem when dealing with a Dirección General de la Policía Ransomware is actually circumventing its misleading message in order to obtain access to your software and files. Fortunately, you can do this by starting up Windows in Safe Mode with Networking and then using the command prompt to access the registry editor. Alternate boot methods like starting up from an external memory drive can also help you gain access to your anti-malware software. Once you have reverted the malicious changes to your system settings, a reliable anti-malware program can be used to remove the Dirección General de la Policía Ransomware and its associated files from your computer.Screenshot


Direccion General de la Policia Ransomware may call the following URLs:


The following messages associated with Direccion General de la Policia Ransomware were found:

¡ATENCIÓN! Su OP (ordenador) está bloqueado debido a al menos una de las razones especificadas siguientes.
Usted ha violado (video, música, software) y ha utilizado de una manera illegal con la distribución de contenido los derechos de autor, infringiendo así el artículo 128 del Criminal Code del Reino de España. El artículo 128 del Criminal Code prevé una multa 200 a 500 de los salarios mínimos o la privación de la libertad a 2 a 8 años.


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