is an unsafe website that attempts to receive users’ permission to deliver advertising content to their computers or mobile phones directly. Users typically land on that page after being redirected by a fake search engine or another similar website. Yet, sometimes there is an adware program installed on a computer that can redirect to this potentially harmful page. exploits social engineering tricks to convince users to accepts its push notifications. The following message shows up on the website: wants to Show notifications

Click Allow to confirm that you are not a robot!”

Users who click on the “Allow” button start receiving advertising banners and pop-ups on their computers. All notifications generated by hide significant risks for a user’s online safety as they may contain links to unsafe third-party websites or promote other Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUAs).

We strongly suggest that you delete’s permission to send you notifications from your browser’s settings. In addition, you may want to check your device for other potentially harmful threats.


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