Threat Database Adware DeepBlue Games

DeepBlue Games

By GoldSparrow in Adware

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 2,541
First Seen: January 26, 2016
Last Seen: June 25, 2022
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The DeepBlue Games gaming platform is located at, and many users may like to play Adobe Flash games like Counter Force, Doodle God, and Angry Birds Space during their free time. However, the games at the gaming platform DeepBlue Games may not be safe and users may risk having to deal with security problems. The site is associated with a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) that is a browser plug-in that may be deployed with free program installers. The DeepBlue Games plug-in is offered to users that like to access games on quickly and set a timer for their gaming sessions so that they have time to work too. However, the DeepBlue Games browser plug-in may push marketing materials in your browser to generate affiliate marketing revenue for its creators. In that regard, the DeepBlue Games software is similar to TikiArcade and Super King.

The DeepBlue Games plug-in is developed by Credible Apps and might record your bookmarks and Internet history to show related advertisements, and help marketers improve their marketing strategies. The DeepBlue Games plug-in may be compatible with Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera and Mozilla Firefox, and may show pop-up windows with sponsored content at set intervals of time. Additionally, the DeepBlue Games program may run in your system background continuously, and drain your system resources. The DeepBlue Games program may allow you to play exciting games, but it may close your tabs when you least expect to focus your attention on limited-time deals from partnering merchants. Many users may not welcome the operations of the DeepBlue Games program, and you may want to remove it manually. However, the DeepBlue Games program may install its files in the hidden Temp directory and operate as a portable application that is not likely to be listed on the 'Control Panel.' You may need to install a trustworthy anti-spyware instrument to find its files and delete them securely.

SpyHunter Detects & Remove DeepBlue Games

File System Details

DeepBlue Games may create the following file(s):
# File Name Detections
1. "C:\ProgramData\DeepBlueGames\uninstall.exe"

Registry Details

DeepBlue Games may create the following registry entry or registry entries:
File name without path


DeepBlue Games may create the following directory or directories:



DeepBlue Games may call the following URLs:


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