Threat Database Adware DealsMyWay Ads

DealsMyWay Ads

By GoldSparrow in Adware

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 80 % (High)
Infected Computers: 795
First Seen: April 20, 2016
Last Seen: January 15, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Computer users that prefer to visit online stores like Amazon, eBay and Walmart, and make an educated purchase may be interested in installing the DealsMyWay application. The DealsMyWay application can be found at or incorporated with free programs like SaleSlider and FreecauseTB. Security researchers alert that the DealsMyWay application is adware, and its site may be related to several known infection sources. The IP address of the official page of DealsMyWay may be connected to cyber threats like Gamarue and Jadtre. Moreover, the DealsMyWay adware may connect to insecure servers that are blacklisted by several network security engines like Suricata and Snort. The DealsMyWay adware may be compatible with modern browsers that run on the Gecko, WebKit and Trident engines, and may edit the DNS settings of infected users.

Security researchers reveal that the DealsMyWay adware may use PCAP files to record data like your recently entered search terms on Google, browsing history, and pages you like on social media like Facebook and Twitter. The DealsMyWay adware may send the recorded data to unlicensed advertisers for analysis. Computer users that are infected with the DealsMyWay adware may experience program crashes and diminished PC performance. Also, the DealsMyWay adware may show banners and advertising panels on non-affiliated pages by using ActionScrip3. The DealsMyWay adware may use executable DLL files to support its operation and make alterations to your Windows registry to hide its folder and process. The DealsMyWay adware may be a security risk that may be exploited by third parties with access to your Internet connection and knowledge of your open ports. PC users are advised to remove the DealsMyWay adware by using a trusted anti-malware utility that can block its connections and delete its files.


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