Threat Database Potentially Unwanted Programs Dark Home Browser Extension

Dark Home Browser Extension

The Dark Home is a browser extension that claims to offer users a unique experience by providing 'dark aesthetic' browser wallpapers along with motivational and inspirational quotes. However, this seemingly benign extension came under the scrutiny of cybersecurity researchers when they encountered it on questionable websites. Upon a thorough analysis of the Dark Home, it was confirmed that it possesses browser-hijacking capabilities.

This means that the Dark Home has the ability to make unauthorized alterations to a user's browser settings, leading to potentially unwanted consequences. One key action this extension takes is to forcefully promote the use of the search engine through a series of redirects.

Browser Hijackers Like the Dark Home Often Lead to Serious Privacy Risks

Browser hijackers are a type of intrusive software that can tamper with your browser's settings, including your homepage, default search engine, and new tab page, by changing them to point to specific websites that they endorse. The Dark Home, in particular, alters these settings to make your default search engine.

As a result, when you have this extension installed, any web searches you perform using the URL bar or when opening new browser tabs will lead to redirects to the website. It's important to note that illegitimate search engines like typically do not provide reliable search results and can redirect users to genuine Internet search engines like Bing. However, the specific redirection destination may vary based on factors such as the user's geolocation.

Moreover, browser hijacking software often employs tactics to ensure its persistence on a user's system and make it challenging to remove or revert browser settings to their original state. This persistence can be frustrating for users who wish to regain control over their browsing experience.

Additionally, it's worth considering that browser hijackers, like the Dark Home, might possess data-tracking capabilities. These capabilities are a common feature of such software. The information they may collect can encompass a wide range of data, including visited URLs, viewed web pages, search queries, Internet cookies, usernames and passwords, personally identifiable information, financial data and more. This sensitive information can be exploited by the developers of the browser hijacker, who may choose to monetize it by selling it to third parties, raising serious privacy concerns for affected users.

PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) and Browser Hijackers Often Mask Their Installations via Dubious Tactics

The distribution of PUPs and browser hijackers typically involves a variety of dubious tactics that aim to install these unwanted software on users' computers without their knowledge or consent. Some of the common tactics employed in the distribution of PUPs and browser hijackers include:

  • Bundling: One of the most prevalent methods is bundling PUPs with legitimate applications. When downloading and installing unknown software from the Internet, users may inadvertently agree to install additional software bundled with the main program. This bundled software can include PUPs or browser hijackers. Often, the bundled software is presented in a way that makes it easy for users to overlook or misunderstand what they are installing.
  •  Deceptive Installation Wizards: Some PUPs and browser hijackers use deceptive installation wizards that trick users into accepting the installation of unwanted software. These wizards may use confusing language, pre-selected checkboxes, or misleading statements that lead users to agree to install PUPs unknowingly.
  •  Fake Updates: The fraudsters often use fake update notifications that claim to provide critical updates for popular software or plugins like Adobe Flash or web browsers. These fake updates may lead to the installation of PUPs or browser hijackers instead of genuine updates.
  •  Downloading from Untrustworthy Sources: Users who download software or files from unverified or unofficial websites are more likely to encounter PUPs and browser hijackers. These sources often host modified or corrupted versions of software, which can result in unwanted installations.
  •  Malvertisements: Malvertisements are fraudulent advertisements that can lead users to Web pages where they are prompted to download or install PUPs and browser hijackers. These advertisements can appear on legitimate websites and trick users into taking action that results in unwanted software installations.
  •  Social Engineering: The fraudsters may use social engineering techniques, such as fake surveys, contests, or download buttons, to persuade users to download and install PUPs or browser hijackers. These tactics manipulate users into making harmful choices.
  •  Browser Extensions and Plugins: Users may inadvertently install browser extensions or plugins that appear to offer useful features but also include browser-hijacking functionality. Once installed, these extensions can alter browser settings without the user's consent.

To protect against PUPs and browser hijackers, users should exercise caution when downloading software, only use trusted sources, regularly update their operating system and software, and use reputable security software that can help detect and prevent such unwanted installations.


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