Threat Database Adware CouponSupport


By GoldSparrow in Adware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 9,474
Threat Level: 80 % (High)
Infected Computers: 4,432
First Seen: August 4, 2014
Last Seen: August 28, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

CouponSupport is an adware application that is mostly loaded up on your computer due to installing random freeware programs or even some bundled software applications all downloaded from the internet. The CouponSupport program itself may not harm your system but it is apt to displaying random ads and attempts to offer various services for your web browser or surfing the internet. Usually the CouponSupport program will display random ads in different forms, such as banners and pop-ups. Use of the CouponSupport ads may redirect your web browser to other sites or questionable web pages. The CouponSupport ads may attempt to offer various discounts or coupon deals throughout the internet on products. The CouponSupport ads are usually annoying and may be stopped only by removing the CouponSupport program and its associated plugins or add-on components.

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