Threat Database Adware Coupon Addon

Coupon Addon

By GoldSparrow in Adware

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 80 % (High)
Infected Computers: 3
First Seen: August 14, 2014
Last Seen: June 1, 2021
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Coupon Addon is an adware program that can be a serious annoyance due to it continually popping up on your screen mostly when surfing the internet. The Coupon Addon ads may attempt to offer various coupon deals or online savings through shopping on the internet. Use of the Coupon Addon ads could end up redirecting you to unwanted sites or pages that aggressively offer additional deals and big savings for certain products you have viewed previously. By tracking your web history the Coupon Addon ads may be customized but perceived as an evasion of your privacy. Eliminating the Coupon Addon adware all together may require using an antispyware program that has the ability to weed out adware on a PC running Windows.


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