Threat Database Rogue Websites

After conducting a thorough analysis of, cybersecurity experts have determined that the website lacks credibility and employs clickbait strategies to entice users to enable notifications. Moreover, these specialists have identified that has the capability to redirect users to potentially dubious websites. Consequently, it is strongly recommended that users exercise caution and refrain from trusting or visiting Displays Misleading Messages to Visitors employs a deceitful tactic wherein it presents a counterfeit video player and prompts visitors to click the 'Allow' button under the false colors to verify that they are not robots. Essentially, visitors are led to believe that clicking 'Allow' will complete a CAPTCHA process and gain access to video content, initiating video playback.

However, this seemingly innocuous action actually grants the Web page permission to display notifications. Should users agree to receive notifications from, they open themselves up to a deluge of unreliable notifications. These notifications may include deceptive advertisements promising excessively high rewards, false security alerts warning of non-existent threats, or prompts encouraging users to click on questionable links leading to potentially harmful websites.

Pages accessed through notifications from may attempt to ensnare users through various tactics, such as cryptocurrency scams, phishing attempts, or fraudulent investment schemes. On these pages, users may be deceived into releasing personal information such as credit card details or login credentials, making payments for counterfeit products or services, or investing in fraudulent schemes.

Furthermore, it's worth noting that has the capability to trigger unwanted redirects. During our investigation, we observed instances where redirected us to another dubious page,

How to Recognize Fake CAPTCHA Check Attempts?

Recognizing fake CAPTCHA check attempts can be crucial in protecting oneself from online scams and malicious activities. Here are some key indicators to help users identify fake CAPTCHA checks:

  • Unusual Requests: If a website prompts you to complete a CAPTCHA check unexpectedly or under suspicious circumstances, such as when accessing content unrelated to security or verification processes, it could be a red flag.
  •  Placement and Appearance: Pay attention to the placement and appearance of the CAPTCHA prompt. Legitimate CAPTCHAs are typically integrated seamlessly into the website's design and placed in logical locations, such as during account creation or login processes. Fake CAPTCHAs might appear out of context or have inconsistencies in their design.
  •  Language and Instructions: Legitimate CAPTCHA prompts usually provide clear and concise instructions, often with standardized language such as 'Prove you're not a robot' or 'Select all images with traffic lights.' If the instructions seem vague, poorly written, or contain grammatical errors, it could indicate a fake CAPTCHA attempt.
  •  Verification Process: Legitimate CAPTCHAs typically involve simple tasks, such as selecting certain images or typing distorted text, to prove human interaction. If the verification process seems overly complex or requires unusual actions, like enabling notifications or downloading software, it's likely a fake CAPTCHA.
  •  Contextual Relevance: Take into consideration the context in which the CAPTCHA prompt appears. If it seems unnecessary or unrelated to the task at hand, exercise caution. For example, a website asking you to complete a CAPTCHA before accessing basic content like news articles or images may be suspicious.
  •  Domain and URL: Check the domain and URL of the website carefully. Fake CAPTCHA attempts often occur on malicious or suspicious websites with deceptive URLs or domains designed to mimic legitimate ones. Be wary of websites with unfamiliar or suspicious domain names.
  •  Trustworthy Sources: Whenever possible, access websites through trusted sources such as bookmarks, search engine results from reputable sources, or direct navigation to known URLs. Avoid clicking on links from unsolicited emails, pop-up ads, or suspicious social media posts.

By staying vigilant and being aware of these indicators, users can better recognize fake CAPTCHA check attempts and protect themselves from potential online threats and tactics.

URLs may call the following URLs:


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