
By GoldSparrow in Potentially Unwanted Programs

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 80 % (High)
Infected Computers: 1,884
First Seen: June 15, 2015
Last Seen: November 20, 2022
OS(es) Affected: Windows

ContentPlatform is a PUP with adware capabilities. This browser plug-in is compatible with most modern browsers-Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. ContentPlatform is primarily distributed through software bundles; unfortunately, in most cases users are oblivious to the fact that additional applications are present in the package. Once ContentPlatform slithers its way into the machine, it will attach itself to one or more of the browsers and will start generating ads and pop-ups. User browsing data is used in order to target the ads. Bookmarks, frequented pages, and recent search queries are used in order to tailor the data to your specific tastes. Furthermore, ContentPlatform is not responsible for the content of the ads, it merely promotes them. While the ContentPlatform itself is relatively harmless, the ads and pop-ups it promotes may be a risk to the security of your computer. Suffice to say, clicking on any ads promoted by ContentPlatform is an ill-advised idea. If you see advertisements with "brought to you by ContentPlatform" in them, it means this annoying PUP has made your computer its home. Security experts advise the removal of ContentPlatform.


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