Threat Database Browser Hijackers

By GoldSparrow in Browser Hijackers is a website that has one single purpose to lure people in an ongoing online scam whose goal is to steal a user's money, personal data, valuable files, and other information. The scammers might try to do that by using advanced social engineering techniques or by using more aggressive methods such as planting malware on the victim's computer. The authors of this fraudulent scheme may use illicit practices to generate traffic for, as well as to attract more potential victims. They may do this by using adware, browser hijackers, and other cyber threats to forcefully redirect users to

Once users are redirected to this web page, they may see some pop-ups that notify them that their computer's health is in danger. However, the bogus alerts and messages are fake, and users shouldn't fall for the cheap tricks used by the scammers. One of the numbers the scammers may use is 1-844-904-684-0, but it is entirely possible that other phone desk lines may be used too. The may also use sound files to enhance further their chances of tricking innocent users, so people who are redirected to should not be spooked by the Windows error sounds they may hear.


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